I did not mean to bail out on the blog for about 2 weeks, but I've been terribly busy thinking about graduation and trying to finish the assignments and essays due before May. I'm actually really nervous about what is going to happen after I walk [the plank], since I'm not sure if I really want to stay in Hong Kong in the long run. My parents don't seem to be able to understand that I find the city too confining and small (they think I meant it literally), and they want me to go back and live with them--but dammit I'm in my twenties! I can go where I damn well please!
A quick recap:
-recently had an art critique in class, survived it, and need to come up with another drawing idea before the end of the month. I'm having problems coming up with interesting concepts because I always want to do something that touches upon the anthropological view of Hong Kong. Doesn't help that the recent Olympic-boycott- fiasco makes it so much more difficult.
-I'm going to Chico in two weeks time, which might suck (I got roped into joining a hiking tour funded by the conference I'm attending) or not (alcoholic beverages will be served)
-watched Juno. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't really Oscar material either. Though I'm still confused over how the word "cute" came to be used to describe the movie.....I heard that word ten times the same night. I must admit I'm a sucker for mellow music used in the Juno soundtrack. I'll probably splurge and buy it when I have time.
-speaking of buying stuff, I recently bought Old School and Zoolander; classic comedies I feel I need to bring back to Hong Kong over the summer and share with highschool chums. I would share with my parents as well, except they probably wouldn't appreciate the KY jelly wrestling scene with Blue.....(think about it, my mum still uses the term 'make love' in front of me and tells me to cover my eyes each time something over PG-13 shows up on the television screen).
-graduate school woes. I've told several of my friends the entire situation, so I don't want to be redundant and mention is again here. So I'll leave it at that.
On another note, the weather is stifling over in California right now. It's only April and the temperature is 32C ....I would hate to imagine what it'll be like at graduation. I've decided I'm going to be wearing a black dress (I don't enjoy vibrant colours, thank you very much), but still puzzling over the shoes. I can't walk in heels, dammit. I can barely walk straight with sneakers on! (Oh damn, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to pick up skateboarding...and I was thinking about that too).
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