Oh damn, how did it get to be April already? So much work to do, and now graduation is only a month away. I'm starting to tire of my undergraduate thesis, and I'm getting worn out by the four years of college education. I think once I start my graduate studies (I got into one graduate school so far, hurrah!) I'll feel better. At least I'll be studying something I enjoy and is interested in.
Eugh, roommate is staying in the apartment tonight. She keeps asking her boyfriend is she is a horrible conversationalist (she is), and I guess he said something she didn't want to hear and a shouting match ensues. Alright, I'll be fair, it was less of a 'shouting match' than it was a 'one sided shouting spree'. I know I'm being harsh to my roommate, and it isn't as though she is a bad person and whatnot, but she's just so oblivious to her current inconsiderate behaviour and she's super emotionally immature that I tend to steer clear of her.
Great, roommate number two returned to the apartment just now and already she is making a mess in the bathroom. I don't understand how you can just leave foundation and crap everywhere on the counter and not wipe it off with a tissue. I always get a migraine whens he is around....though it may have more to do with the super loud music she plays and the fact that she slams any door she passes through. Bloody hell, why can't she respect the idea of peace and quiet?
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