An image of Kanda, just because he is just that awesome. (Nah, I actually just watched episode 78 again). Simple outlines and posture.
Every single year, around mid-April, I worry. I worry about everything ranging from housing to classes to life in general. But this year, I super worry. Because graduation is less than a month away. Well, exactly a month away. 30 days. And then I'm gone from undergraduate life.
I'm not sure if I put my undergraduate years to the best use. I didn't do much extra-curricular stuff (asides from the semester helping out at the school paper), nor did I go to any of the networking parties. My involvement remained only on the academic side, which isn't a bad thing-- but it's not the healthiest way to spend my time either. Nonetheless, it is too late for me to do anything about the last four years so I will have to accept the fact that I'm leaving, and that I will have no regrets. I don't know if I really believe this, or whether I'm just making myself believe it. Or is there even a difference between the two?
I've met so many friends over in L.A. that I'm sad to leave them behind. It'll be a strange feeling knowing that I won't be seeing them on campus everyday after May. But then there is also no use in me staying behind by myself because they're all leaving too. It would really suck to be the only person to remain constant in the world.
Seriously, I have issues with change and separation. I also have issues with growing up and accepting the fact that I need to be responsible with the direction of my life from now on. And that there is no longer going to be a safety net to help me rebound if I make a mistake. I'm not even going to bother Freuding the origins of these problems.
At least one of my friends understand what I'm going through, which is really helpful; but I just wish my parents would understand too. Gosh, I don't even feel like I belong anywhere anymore after travelling around so much.
Hm, loud party near the Frat houses tonight. Every year there is some moron who steps too close to the stage and results in the performer threatening to shut down the party.
Body Worlds is AWESOME. I loved the displays. Fat chance seeing things like that in Hong Kong, since they're all such a bunch of prudes there.
Every single year, around mid-April, I worry. I worry about everything ranging from housing to classes to life in general. But this year, I super worry. Because graduation is less than a month away. Well, exactly a month away. 30 days. And then I'm gone from undergraduate life.
I'm not sure if I put my undergraduate years to the best use. I didn't do much extra-curricular stuff (asides from the semester helping out at the school paper), nor did I go to any of the networking parties. My involvement remained only on the academic side, which isn't a bad thing-- but it's not the healthiest way to spend my time either. Nonetheless, it is too late for me to do anything about the last four years so I will have to accept the fact that I'm leaving, and that I will have no regrets. I don't know if I really believe this, or whether I'm just making myself believe it. Or is there even a difference between the two?
I've met so many friends over in L.A. that I'm sad to leave them behind. It'll be a strange feeling knowing that I won't be seeing them on campus everyday after May. But then there is also no use in me staying behind by myself because they're all leaving too. It would really suck to be the only person to remain constant in the world.
Seriously, I have issues with change and separation. I also have issues with growing up and accepting the fact that I need to be responsible with the direction of my life from now on. And that there is no longer going to be a safety net to help me rebound if I make a mistake. I'm not even going to bother Freuding the origins of these problems.
At least one of my friends understand what I'm going through, which is really helpful; but I just wish my parents would understand too. Gosh, I don't even feel like I belong anywhere anymore after travelling around so much.
Hm, loud party near the Frat houses tonight. Every year there is some moron who steps too close to the stage and results in the performer threatening to shut down the party.
Body Worlds is AWESOME. I loved the displays. Fat chance seeing things like that in Hong Kong, since they're all such a bunch of prudes there.
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