I've managed to injure myself, and so the fieldtrip is no longer a viable option for me. I'm sad that I'm missing out on a little excursion; but the injury is more serious than how I described it to other people. (I tend to say things that focuses only on the positive and glosses over the serious stuff; I don't like bringing attention to myself. Like the time I accidentally cut my foot on a rusty piece of metal and told my mum is was just a scratch...until my foot became infected. Or the time I said I was feeling 'sleepy' but ended up having a full-blown fever. Or even when I said I had a case of mild indigestion but was actually food-poisoning).
And as the title says, I'm graduating from college in a few days. Less than a month. I'm at the point past denial, and now I'm just depressed about leaving school; the people I've met here; the mild temperatures; college life. I know I've ranted about this in previous posts, but don't worry-- the anxiety is almost out of my system. I find it slightly sad and amusing how I'm noticing the most depressing moments of my life; I've been staring at sunsets alone, inside darken rooms very often; looking at the trees and sky on windy days feeling as though I'll feel nostalgic about this in the future; riding the bus around thinking that I'll never meet the people I see ever again. Hell, I'm such a drama queen.
It doesn't help that my parents are going to be here during graduation; I hate having them over here. They don't offer any comfort for my seperation anxiety, and instead think that its all in my head. [Maybe it is; but if so, what should I do? My parents offer no answers. Clueless bastards]. I don't mind seeing them in Hong Kong, but when they enter MY space...it's the most uncomfortable feeling. Especially since my mum has the 'alpha female' tendency to mark her territory by leaving her junk all over my apartment (and she's a guest! She doesn't even belong here!) and criticizing the amenities. Mind you, mother, but I happen to like the way the rooms are small, the 70's floor tiling is in the kitchen and toilet, and the mismatched doors.
Anywho, I'm thinking about getting a part time job in Hong Kong this summer, probably at the bakery. But seriously, it wouldn't be cool to sit idly at home doing absolutely nothing productive for three months. Or four months, since the grad schools I applied to won't start their term until October. I'll just wave my diploma around into the bakery by the train station, and then demand a cashier spot. I wonder how the manager would react to that. I'll be grouchy that the pay is half that of my current library assistant spot (my cousin told me about the pay/hour and benefits), but at least I will have the power to be a complete cow to the customers. There's no point in having power if you won't abuse it....
...its a good thing I have no intention of becoming a politician. I'll just be the morally indignant pseudo-artist who complains about social wrongs but doesn't really know how things should change for the better.
On the bright side, I'm going shopping later this week. Always a great way to take my mind off things.
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