Overview of the entire image...foreground is Erebos 'Nano' Rose and Aein; background (top to bottom) is Blithe Bauhinia, Edel Clementine May and Tileon Buvare, and Levante 'LeLa' Lalune. 
Okay, the image looks a little wonky right now, but I'll fix up the errors later before colouring the entire thing. (This is why I love drawing on the computer; errors can be changed by a simple click on the 'eraser' function and you can edit stuff for hours. I mean, there is still a skill level required for fixing stuff, but at least its much easier nowadays).
I've noticed that my 'Work in Progresses' rarely leave that stage. I wonder why that is....I guess I have a short attention span and I always jump to new stuff before the old one is finished. OR, it could be that I simply had too much work to do this semester.
And bloody hell, where did all the time go?! A little over two weeks and we're being kicked out of school, never to venture into the lovely libraries hoping to finish a last-minute paper, roam the lush school grounds under the influence of frozen yogurt at noon, or sit next to the fountain and grimace as the water sprays all over our food. Good times ;___;.
Just woke up from a hour-long nap, and is currently feeling groggy, depressed and even more tired. I hope I'm not going to worry myself sick for graduation....that happened during my freshman year, which pretty much torpedoed any potential for me to develop a large social network with my fellow freshman (I was sitting in class alone for the first two weeks, away from the crowds just so I wouldn't get them ill with whatever it was I had). Nonetheless, I'm still proud I managed to make some very good friends while in college- I've also lost friends, but thats besides the point.
And is it wrong to wish for a simple life and a simple job after getting a degree? Not that I want to sit back and mooch off the world; I'll contribute something of course. But the idea of exiting an institution of education and delving directly into an institution of employment is really intimidating and restricting. I'm so spoilt and demanding....
One anime I am looking forward to this season would definitely be Soul Eater. I was surprised by how much I liked it, considering how I didn't like the manga style at first (though granted, the style became much better and more detailed in the later chapters). Having colour added to the series sure helps create that sense of dynamism the fight scenes convey. Plus, the animation quality really is stellar. I just hope it doesn't get a beating in the later episodes...like Eureka Seven. As much as I liked all the episodes of Eureka Seven, there were scenes where the proportions just looked off.
Hm, and I can't believe they're airing Code Geass on Cartoon Network...I would have thought the series was a little too nationalistic for their tastes. The animation quality is very high, but the dubbed voice actors....well, lets give it another episode before I decide whether it is of the Naruto-standard (not a compliment!) or.....actually, I've never heard of a good dub before so I can't draw an example.