Friday, June 6, 2008

Black Rainstorm warning

So my badminton match has been cancelled today, thanks to the black rainstorm warning being announced in Hong Kong. I really want to just don my raincoat and trample outside and get soaked, but my mother is giving me hell at the very mention of the idea-- she doesn't want me to catch a cold. But I'm a twenty something year old person with a decent immunity system. Boo hiss. Kill joy.

Torrents of water coming out everywhere; even bursting out of the sewers themselves. The alternative to running outside in the rain is to stay indoors right and enjoy the scenery...

..and not think about the current global problems. Thing is, I'm physically young so it means I still have a couple of decades to tough things out. And the current state of the environment makes me want to give the planet back to the current generation of older adults and ask for a refund or an exchange. Then again, we young ones did things to pollute as well. Don't get me started on the health of the economy right now. Not the best time to be graduating and looking for work in the U.S.

I wish that I'll become a better adult, the sort that will be good for this planet.

Ooh, the new album from Weezer was released earlier this month; I totally forgot in the midst of unpacking and sorting my stuff out since getting back from undergraduate studies in L.A. Pork and Beans is a catchy song, but I heard that the album received mixed reviews in general. But burn the music critic, I say! I love the band no matter what they do. I'll prob head out to HMV and buy the disc in a few days....when the weather clears up.

EDIT: Just checked the price of Weezer's Red Album on HMV. Not going to fork out 150HKD when I can buy the same thing for 9.99USD on Amazon (translates to 77.92HKD....without tax. With tax, it is still under 100HKD). To hell with you, HMV. I'll buy the good music elsewhere. I can deal with the wait time during shipping. Waiting doesn't cost me a thing.

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