ARGH. Only three days left until I'm booted out of campus! No more roaming the libraries in the morning/afternoon/night (or to sum it up; anytime); no more running to class thinking I'm late; no more half-assing assignments and being splendidly surprised when I'm not placed on academic probation; no more sitting in Commons wondering what the meaning of life is. Now I'll have to wonder what is the meaning of....taxes. Or the meaning of work in a cubicle. Such depressing thoughts. Granted, I've postponed my doom for another year (shimmying off to graduate school), but the inevitable will happen someday. I don't know if I can continue living life if I'm always thinking of such gloomy thoughts everyday. [Someone give me lithium! Just joking]
Phone interview with graduate school admin went horribly this morning. Not only did I unintentionally make a snide comment (I didn't know how it sounded until it came out! I swear!), I also came across as a rambling fool. I was trying to say too much in too short a period of time because I prepped my answers in advance. Alas, when will I ever learn....ah well, got admitted to two schools, need to hear back from four more....
Got rid of a stash of my manga today. I didn't throw it in the trash, I donated it to the people [mainly otakus] in my dorm. I didn't want to sell it to other people online, because i)I've read them and ii)even with postage, I can't see how it'll break-even or be cheaper than buying it directly from Kinokuniya. Frankly put, I'm surprised any of them wanted the manga since they're mostly BL- er, of a different genre. But the doujinshi I'm keeping for myself. My mother would have a heart-attack if she ever saw what they were about (key operative here: if). Also sold my television, so it's no Law and Order: SVU for me tonight. I must confess that I find Christopher Meloni to be incredibly awesome. I didn't watch Oz (too poor for HBO), but after seeing screen-captures and reading summaries; he definitely earns brownie points from me. Each time I see him and Hargitay on teevee I'm just cheering "Benson and Stabler!!!" (Yeah, the original Law and Order and Law and Order: CI just doesn't interest me as much).
Parents arriving to L.A. tomorrow, and I know I need to get myself geared to express an entire range of emotions (and here I thought I was a semi-sociopath...guess only at specific moments). Happy to see my parents; sad to be leaving my friends; annoyed at my mother when she criticizes my apartment; grumpy at my dad for getting us lost on the freeway, then sympathetic to him after mother starts nagging at him; proud when I'm walking across the stage to receive my pseudo-diploma; fearful that my professor would rip my honours sash off and yell that I wrote 40 pages of bull; embarrassed when people offer congratulations; worried about my future; lonely after I see my friends for the last time on campus this Friday.
At least I know I spent my time well with my friends in L.A., so I won't be leaving the city with too many regrets.
However, my biggest regret would be not whooping my roommate's posterior today. She lied through her ass and told everyone she was graduating....walking the ceremony does not equal graduation! And she's staying in the dorm for another 3 days (same as me), because apparently she can't wake up early enough to move out on the actual day she was supposed to...bah. At least I'm 60% packed.
Phone interview with graduate school admin went horribly this morning. Not only did I unintentionally make a snide comment (I didn't know how it sounded until it came out! I swear!), I also came across as a rambling fool. I was trying to say too much in too short a period of time because I prepped my answers in advance. Alas, when will I ever learn....ah well, got admitted to two schools, need to hear back from four more....
Got rid of a stash of my manga today. I didn't throw it in the trash, I donated it to the people [mainly otakus] in my dorm. I didn't want to sell it to other people online, because i)I've read them and ii)even with postage, I can't see how it'll break-even or be cheaper than buying it directly from Kinokuniya. Frankly put, I'm surprised any of them wanted the manga since they're mostly BL- er, of a different genre. But the doujinshi I'm keeping for myself. My mother would have a heart-attack if she ever saw what they were about (key operative here: if). Also sold my television, so it's no Law and Order: SVU for me tonight. I must confess that I find Christopher Meloni to be incredibly awesome. I didn't watch Oz (too poor for HBO), but after seeing screen-captures and reading summaries; he definitely earns brownie points from me. Each time I see him and Hargitay on teevee I'm just cheering "Benson and Stabler!!!" (Yeah, the original Law and Order and Law and Order: CI just doesn't interest me as much).
Parents arriving to L.A. tomorrow, and I know I need to get myself geared to express an entire range of emotions (and here I thought I was a semi-sociopath...guess only at specific moments). Happy to see my parents; sad to be leaving my friends; annoyed at my mother when she criticizes my apartment; grumpy at my dad for getting us lost on the freeway, then sympathetic to him after mother starts nagging at him; proud when I'm walking across the stage to receive my pseudo-diploma; fearful that my professor would rip my honours sash off and yell that I wrote 40 pages of bull; embarrassed when people offer congratulations; worried about my future; lonely after I see my friends for the last time on campus this Friday.
At least I know I spent my time well with my friends in L.A., so I won't be leaving the city with too many regrets.
However, my biggest regret would be not whooping my roommate's posterior today. She lied through her ass and told everyone she was graduating....walking the ceremony does not equal graduation! And she's staying in the dorm for another 3 days (same as me), because apparently she can't wake up early enough to move out on the actual day she was supposed to...bah. At least I'm 60% packed.
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