Just an image of Erebos 'Nano' Rose and Aein together. One always coughs up blood, the other nosebleeds like no tomorrow. No wonder they make such good chums.
Yes! thanks to hard work and dedication (or, spending 9 hours straight in the library writing), my thesis is 90%-92% complete! All I need to do is just polish off the conclusion and discussion portions, and tweak the transitions here and there between paragraphs. And then let my professor tear it apart on Monday. Oh joy. Anyways, I admit that I wasn't very specific as to the happenings on Thursday night, but I participated in a long standing tradition at the college I go to; and it was awesome. At first I thought I might have to go through it alone (seeing how I didn't want to get my phone wet so I left it at home...and then I couldn't find my friend at the meeting point because of the crowds), and it is a good thing that I was lucky enough to run into the people I was supposed to. So the last day of classes passed without much incident; except for a slight case of intestinal infection on my part. Funny how I start my freshman year with intestinal infection, and end with the same ailment too. Lets just hope I don't have to rush to the porta-toilet during the ceremony itself. But it was nice to end things quietly on a Friday afternoon having lunch with friends and just chatting away. Some good news would be that I'm getting over my attachment with the campus now. Came to the realization that I don't miss the university itself as so much as the undergraduate lifestyle that went with it. But then we all have to grow up eventually, and better now than never and realize that you missed out on so much more by staying in one spot your entire life. But this doesn't mean I'm not going to cry when I leave L.A. Sob.
My friends and I were talking today and we agreed that it isn't wrong to hate someone to the point where you actually take delight in their misery and failures in life. Call us horrible people if you will, but what can one do? Damn, thats the situation with my roommate and I right now. Well, I dislike my roommate, and I hate my flatmate. My last flatmate is perfectly fine, and she's a cool person to hang out with.
The other flatmate is an absolute slob, and apparently doesn't like us because we're not the same kind of person she is (replace 'same kind' with 'race'...but I don't want to make her sound like a racist). But my roommate just won't stop bitching about the smell (actually had a breakdown in front of her parents), and since slobby flatmate left for the weekend there really isn't much we can do about it. Drama queens.
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