So I'm finally back in Hong Kong after my little skit in Vegas and L.A.; and I take my words back from my previous post. I don't regret going to the Grand Canyon at all, the scenery was spectacular and the trip very educational.
But it wasn't without its problems. The meeting time for the Grand Canyon tour was 6:15am, and due to late buses; late tour-mates; car crash on the freeway; broken bus; another car crash on the freeway; detours, we got back to the hotel by 11:35pm. Needless to say we were all grumpy and tired at the end of the day, and it didn't help that we were wearing Summer clothing on a desert-cold night.
And right after the heatwave from graduation week, we were greeted with a series of thunderstorms in L.A., which also adversely affected (alliteration!) our flight back to Hong Kong. It was bad enough that LAX is currently undergoing renovation (meaning that half the airport was being taken apart), but the air hostess at the check-in desk was slow as hell , not to mention that there were a trillion children on the airplane with us.
I've even nicknamed the one sitting in front of me 'Damien' (from The Omen), because she wouldn't stop crying....not even to sleep or breathe.
But, one spot of good news is that I got into my graduate school of choice. So it is 'hello U.K.' for me afterall! My grades from my last semester as an undergrad are out, and it's the same as my freshman year; won't reveal what they are, but I'm just extremely pleased. Hyuk.
Surprisingly enough, saying goodbye to my friends in L.A. didn't turn out to be as difficult as I thought it would be. Perhaps I over-prepared myself for this sort of separation, so by the time I actually came around to experience it ...it was just such an 'old' feeling. Or perhaps I've been hanging around my L.A. friends way too often for the past few weeks that I might have 'overdosed' on their company. OR, it could be that they don't seem to regard the finality of my departure from L.A. on the same level as I do, and therefore I don't feel as though they actually will miss me (probably not true, but I can't help but assume at this point right now).
Is it just me, or are the recent two DGM chapters super amusing? I love the characters so much that even if the plot is sheer crack I'll read it. Plus, having a mini-Kanda in there doesn't hurt.