Here ends Labour day, the last reprieve we get before Thanksgiving in November. I sort of regret sleeping so much during the three-day weekend, since the axiom is that the more sleep you get, the more sleep you need.
That is exactly what happened to me today; I started dozing during my Archaeology lecture, and that feeling just continued straight through my Anthropology lecture. Damnit. And since I was grumpy and felt super sleep deprived I started developing a migraine during my internship session.
I return to the apartment thinking I could get some rest....but alas, my roommate started acting like a spastic and started talking to the dog (belonging to the girl living in the next room) and making these weird high-pitch noises whilst baby-talking. Look, I know some guys dig the baby-talk thing girls do, but there is a reason why it is called 'baby-talk'. It's meant for babies. When adults talk like that other than in the context of being with a baby, it just becomes sickening.
I know I'm bitching about my roommate alot, but sometimes I get the strange impression that she's playing some sort of power game with the rest of us. She's a nice person generally, but there are moments where I really have to wonder whether or not she's sincere. Or maybe I just happen to chance upon her at the wrong moments and misread the entire situation....shall see more about this later.
Ue in a outfit I drew during my freshman year.
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