Sunday, August 26, 2007

Prelude to MUSE

So I am going to the Muse concert afterall! It's in Irvine, on Sept 21st. Didn't realise my roommate was as big a Muse fan as I was....she went to one of their previous concerts and fell in love with them there.

Tickets were approximately 215 USD each (there was a 20 something USD service charge....I hope those tickets are hand delivered to us in gold envelopes), but no feelings of guilt there. I don't shop and I'm not sprendthrift with my money to begin with, so I think I'm entitled to splurge a little now and then.

Heh heh heh here's hoping to seeing a red jumpsuit somewhere. (Sorry, private joke).

The new semester is starting tomorrow, and I'm not in the mood for it. I have class every single sodding day, I'm sure I'll be meeting imbeciles here and there; and then there are the happy-faced freshmen. [Happy freshmen are a temporary fix in college life....cured only after the results from the first midterm comes out.]

There is also a dilemma regarding what classes I should take; I worry about my workload and I worry whether I'm taking the right classes to gear me towards my graduate studies.

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