Saturday, August 25, 2007

Countdown to the 27th

Hahhaha I am so amused by my roommates. Alright, after living alone for the past three months I was skeptical whether I would assimilate into the 'flatmate-lifestyle', but it worked out fine.

One girl brought a dog into the apartment, and that thing is a diva. I tried to walk the dog, but the thing just sat on the pavement like a rock and refused to budge. It only weighed 11lbs too, so I don't know how it managed to anchor itself to the ground like that. I swear, I'm definitely getting a cat in the future.

Also, the same roommate who brought in the dog has the most interesting conversation topics. It was only a day after we met and we began a discussion about the digestive system and other grisly details involved with that. Plus, we both share a love for the same music, and we both love to hate wet hair on tiled floors. And a fear of sorority girls that look like the Barbie version of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

PS: Turns out that little episode on Thursday was caused by food poisoning. The nurse was super-nice and understood the pain of getting diarrhea so close together as my period, but the doctor was a major asshat. Just waltzed into the room, looked bored that another student is feeling ill right before the start of the new semester and plopped onto a stool looking as though he didn't have a spine.

The doctor said it was probably because of a viral infection from poorly cooked food, and then proceeded to prescribe antibiotics. No offense to the doctors in the U.S., but why is it that for every single illness, antibiotics are whipped out of the medicine cabinet?

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