Saturday, October 18, 2008

October Blue Skies

Sorry for the absence: a lot has happened since I left Hong Kong on the 29th of Sept. Flew to the U.K., settled into my parent's temporary apartment there and then slowly unpacked my things at my new dorm. And then my parents left, which I was fine with at their send-off; but ended up to be a one-women-sob-fest once inside my room. Bought a bike to get around town, and called most of my U.K. friends (I knew them from highschool in H.K.)...started reading and writing essays for classes....well, lets just say it is a good thing I'm kept busy otherwise I'll be super depressed.

Or is there even a reason for me to mope around? The town is gorgeous, the people I've met are awesome....maybe this will be a better time than my undergraduate experience?

But here is the thing; I don't know if I'll have time to draw this term. Alas, alas....but school comes first. At least winter break in in seven weeks....

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