Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring Break: premier jour

Got into a bit of a scruffle with my roommate last night. Not a physical fight, but the typical you-are-dead-to-me thing. She came back at 4/5am last night with the mantress (male version of mistress) and when she saw I was "sleeping" she started apologizing to the guy and made some pretty disparaging remarks about me...whilst assuming that I couldn't hear a thing. And I wouldn't have heard, if she didn't slam the door several times when she got back into the apartment. So after she finishes her little speech with the mantress, I get up, grab my stuff and walked out the room without saying a thing. Spent the rest of the night in the common area, but I couldn't fall asleep again.

This morning I was still grumpy so I went out and did some shopping by myself. When I got back, she was already awake but we didn't speak to one another for the first hour or two. But then she realized that since I knew the mantress was there last night, and that her boyfriend was showing up today; it would in her interest to befriend me again in case I blurted out her secret. But that time in the afternoon, I was so over the tension in the house so I just blew off the whole incident.

NO!! Lockon! How could they kill you off like that-- and it's not even the end of the first season yet! Tieria, don't look so sad!

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