Monday, February 25, 2008
Scribbles V
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Scribbles IV
Friday, February 22, 2008
Scribbles III

The subject was...
My roommate #1 has to be the most inconsiderate being alive. And I know for sure I won't miss her when I graduate in three months' time. Horrible, aren't I? But she keeps taking/using my stuff without asking, and she's constantly blasting her crappy music out loud when I'm trying to study. She throws her trash over to my side of the room and her clothes all over the floor. And then there are those awful phone conversations she has with her friends and they are both loud and annoying. Especially when she does that baby-voice thing with her boyfriend....who she is currently cheating on (roommate #2 and I know about it because she was so obvious with the cheating). The other day she was on the phone with her friend and said that the main reason she was staying with her boyfriend is because he has a job and a stable source of income. That's the only 'good point' about him she came up with. Can you say, gold-digger? Such a two-faced, superficial and incompetant person (I'll explain why these adjectives are suitable later). I'm not even going to do anything about that situation, because I know it'll end in disaster. You should only attempt cheating if you're mentally meticulous ad great at organisation. She has neither of those traits.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Scribbles II

I went and watched the Vagina Monologues the day after V:Day. I would highly recommend people to watch it, no matter which theatre troop is performing. I watched the one my roommate and other college people were in. Whilst acting at the college student level isn't exactly steller, the strength of the writing and the vulnerabilty of the interviewees made the entire production very powerful. I proudly admit that the Comfort Women segment almost made me cry. Other touching stuff include the women in South Asia who lost their faces due to acid attacks... I can't believe that such things are going on around the world (I knew about them, but to hear other people act it out and to know that these stories are from real people...a completely different experience).
End of Weekend

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Scribbles I
Bad lighting
Monday, February 11, 2008
Not a Giving Person

Here is the draft version of the DGM image I'm drawing this V-Day. It's Allen in a girly costume.
My good mood today was destroyed when I got a letter from the local Mission Centre asking for me to donate money. I don't mind giving a little (I do have part-time jobs for a reason), but last time I donated they:
-sent me a letter of thanks with a ton of stuff praising god (god has nothing to do with me donating money to your charity. I didn't hear any voice in my head telling me to open my cheque book, grab my pen and start writing. I am an atheist, but I also think I am a decent enough person to help those in need without some divine entity prompting me to do so). The letter was so filled with the word god I couldn't read it after the first two paragraphs.
-sent me another letter within a week asking me to donate again; this time for a different event. I'm happy to do the occasional good deed, but I'm a student and I need to eat and pay rent too! After that, the letters just kept pouring in. I felt as though I've opened some sort of floodgate. Don't make me regret having donated in the first place.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The cupids fear me.

Don't worry, this isn't the image I plan to submit for V-day this year. I have something completely new, but just needs to be uploaded and coloured. Should take less than a month (hehehe, I'm joking). The image needs to be penned on Open Canvas.

Note that these images are not chronologically arranged (too tired to do that), so it is difficult for me to say which images show my more recent works. However, I can say for sure that none of the stuff shown in the images are complete, and they are all still works in progress. Since I have a tendency to get bored of the stuff I do after a few weeks, so none of these look the same anymore...
...I'm really not cut out to be an artist. Nor do I really have the intention to have art around 24/7 for the rest of my life. I'll just stick to anime/manga, or other art hobbies.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Lunar New Year
Sunday, February 3, 2008
To be coloured...

It's almost Super CHOOSE-day.
I finally received my voter's guide through the post. (A month after I sent the application-- if I was in Hong Kong, whoeevr it was in charge of this business would have been fired. FIRED!). I was hoping to use a mail-in ballot instead, but the documents arrived after the deadline for that passed, so I guess I have to take time off on Tuesday just to head to the voting booth. Apparently, the voting booth closest to me with be at the elderly home down the street, so I'm going to assume the entire process will take 4 hours or more. (When I voted on campus in 2004, the queue was so long and the students so numerous that it took me 3 hours to get where I needed to be).
Wait, today was the superbowl?