Saturday, February 23, 2008

Scribbles IV

I would have inked and coloured this, but I'm simply too tired to do this after an entire day of revising for my midterm next wednesday. The boy at the foreground (with the neck-a-chief) is called Clementine Edel May, but just goes by Edel. Then the girl on the left is Blithe, and the characters in the background from left to right are Phys, Aein and Monday.

Top to bottom: Monday, Blithe and Phys. Monday and Blithe are siblings whereas Phys is their cousin. (Blithe and Phys look very similar to one another, which causes some confusion; does Blithe look like a boy, or does Phys look like a girl?). Both Phys and Blithe have orange hair colour, except Blithe has green eyes whereas Phys has blue. Monday has a shock of pink hair with brown eyes. They all have Bauhinia as their surname.

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