Back left to right: Edel, Road and Levante Lalune ('LeLa')
Front left to right: Blithe and Aein
Interesting how my bad habits have caught up to me again. I was supposed to update this blog on a regular basis, so that I could gradually move away from DA, but now I'm not maintaining either site. Whoops. And I was hoping to come up with a holiday gift-card-send-off list again. But that doesn't mean I haven't been drawing! Most of the stuff I drew is for my original story (Furies), but I have other images for D.Gray and Bleach. I'll upload those in a separate post or something.
Now, must go and draw them on opne canvas....just need the notivation to do so.
PS: I am now flying back to Hong Kong on the 12th of Dec. Which means I'll have to take my final a day earlier on the UCLA campus instead (public trasnportation, please do't fail me!), but gives me an extra day to get my hair cut and eyebrows trimmed before attending my sister's wedding. Boo yar.
PPS: I whooped ass on my archaeology midterm.
PSS: I am not whooping ass on my honours thesis though; I've been at a standstill with research questions for the past few weeks.
are they your original chara's?
They're all my original characters :D
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