Sunday, December 13, 2009

Winter 2009

Going home for the holidays, going to do some research, going to get several medical check-ups, will be back in January, moving back into college, have plenty of presentations and readings to do. Hectic month, and more hectic days to follow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Summer in Autumn

Today's product; the first image drawn since my dissertation was submitted (a couple of weeks ago). Don't really know what came over me; suddenly felt a lack of motivation to draw anything. So here is a rough sketch of Ue (left), Aein (right) and the TeaR (front, name short for Tea Rabbit).

An image of Blithe, drawn in July. Just playing with perspective, and there will be more sketches like these later.

Strange design for a headdress. Not really a finished design, but because I started this in July and just picked it up again, I'll just redraw it in another sketch.

Blithe; outfit study.

Drawing of Kidd from Soul Eater, from several months ago. Haven't designed the outfit yet, though I assume it would be a suit per usual. Read the recent chapters, and can't believe how slowly the plot is moving. New characters are introduced (which is fine), but there hasn't been any real character development with the existing cast.


Can't believe how quickly time flies; Autumn has officially begun (that was a crappy Summer...what happened to the promised sunshine?) and the skies are gray and dreary. Primary and Secondary students are back in school already, but the rest of us in college is just enjoying life. Not like we had much time to enjoy the Summer; too busy writing dissertations and other essays to have fun (though to be fair, we did have one or two golden moments). The results come out tomorrow....eurgh.

Friends have been leaving town (the programme was only a year long, and many or going back to their home countries to work), but I am excited about the upcoming freshers week; potential to corrupt new minds. But the downside is that, for the friends that are staying for another year, they need my help with moving houses. Normally I wouldn't mind (if it were for one or two people), but it has gotten to the point where I am just sick of it.

At first, my grumpiness stemmed from the fact that I managed to move all my stuff to my new room by myself. But my opinion changed after seeing how much crap these friends accummulate within the year; at that point I knew they definitiely needed outside-help. I had one suitcase of clothes, a medium box of books and miscellany, one small wheely suitcase, and several small boxes (water kettle, shoes, bike helmet, other gifts I acquired this year). But for these friends, we're talking multiple suitcases (big and small), dozens of boxes, and large bags of other stuff. Cripes, its one thing to live comfortably in college through having personal belongings, it is another to literallybring your entire room overseas.

Oh, speaking of moving rooms, I recently moved into a private housing (since my college situation is a little iffy right now). Not a bad place (and the rent is cheaper), but my flatmate seems to alone. As in 'avoid social contact' with me. Which works fine with me, seeing how I'm not a fan of awkward small-talk in the corridors anyways. Eh, maybe things will improve later this year.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Scribble I


Aein, in a b+w type style. First in a three-image series (the other characters will be Blithe and Edel.)

Random scribble, the first picture I've drawn in a few weeks.


Nothing really happens in town during summer. A whole bunch of summer school kids frolic around the city-centre during the day, and some of them have parties at the clubs after dark. As a cyclist, I am finding tourists to be of increasing annoyance; they don't seem to comprehend that the green traffic light means 'don't walk onto the road. Some of us don't care if we run you over.' At least ringing the bicycle bell as a warning is very cathartic...

...unfortunately, biking also has its disadvantages as I recently got totally soaked from the sudden heavy rain. Alas, U.K. weather, ever so fickle.

Dissertation progress is slow, and I've gone way over the word count. Still haven't finished all my readings, but I reckon I have written enough for the editing process to start. I feel dreadful that there is still so much to do, but taking today off was a good idea. Tomorrow I'll be back in the library trying to drain all the information from the book that is vital for the paper, but not surprisingly, cannot be borrowed.

Have friends visiting this coming Friday, and not too pleased about having them crash in my room for an evening (my room is small, and I like my privacy. This means I'll actually have to clean my blasted room for once.) Ah well, they'll be using the sleeping-bag, because there is no way an inflatable mattress will fit on the floor (even my suitcase is placed on top of my closet...that is how small my room is.)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Scribble II

Don't really know if I'll ink and colour this one later, but we'll see what happens. Stupid weather is making me feel bipolar (sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Darn, the summer started ages ago but all I can do is muster up the strength to scribble. Just a picture of Aein when he was younger, alongside some of his ramblings. Now to work on the dissertation...

Brief Norge Review

Needless to say, Norway is gorgeous and I had fun traveling there. (Of course there were some downer moments, but the experience was well worth it.) The best thing would be the art museums, especially Edvard Munch's paintings in Oslo. The Historisk Museum had an impressive collection based on life in the Arctic Circle, but after going to the Pitt Rivers it seems slightly...barren in comparison. Would have no objections about returning there only when I i) get a job and make enough money (because everything in the country is expensive) ii) manage integrate outdoor components into the travel plans (cycling around the fjords would be incredible!)

Though must also add that I'm glad to be back in the U.K. Vacations are fun, but there is also work to be done. And it is nice to return back to the college and meet up with friends before they leave for the summer/permanently for home...not to mention, meeting up with other people to watch the new Harry Potter movie. (And as for the movie, I do have some complaints regarding the way the storyline was altered...but then again I watch for the special effects. And I've rambled enough about it to my friends, so posting about it seems a tad excessive.)

Must say that when you are my age and heard all sorts of shoddy innuendo used by other people in bars/clubs/pubs, the script in that movie did set off a few alarms here and there...and I'm not the only one that thinks that way. They even have a facebook group based on the dialogue...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Potluck Eve

The title of this post has little to do with the image itself; I'm just going to a potluck in a hour or so. Anyways, a rough scribble of random characters...I really need to practice drawing more often this summer. Not really sure who the caption belongs to in the image, but I'll leave that open for interpretation.

Despite the exams and work from the previous term, I have been watching several anime series. I actually quite like Chrome Shelled Regios for the animation quality (and the illustrations used by the RPG itself are lovely), except some of the characters are annoying (and seems to effectively work against the progress of the plot)...and then there was Sengoku Basra, which ended up being hilarious (and I have my suspicions that it wasn't meant to be that way)....other than that, I haven't been watching much. Fullmetal Alchemist by BONES would be an interesting watch, but have been reluctant to watch the series again since they left it off pretty well in the previous season.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Procrastination Blues

After a couple of days (more like a week) of procrastination, socializing, and endless bar visits, I can say that my brain is on the verge of a meltdown. (Which might explain why I drew such a wonky really wasn't supposed to turn out this way at all. In fact, I started by drawing Maka. I have absolutely no control over my hand today.) Nonetheless, this is the first picture in months. Months....since easter break, before revision and exams really took up all of my time.

So the partying has died down a bit, but now my friends are moving away for the summer (and some are bound never to return) so a bunch of good-bye gatherings are to be expected. And it is also the time of year for disappointments; where students find out what grades they get (we get ours this coming Friday), realize that they don't have enough money for tuition next year (and hence have to drop out of school), or find out that their academic dreams are dashed because of personal problems.

Yes, I've encountered some crying friends recently. And no, I have no idea how to cope with such moments. I know its not about me, but it really is difficult to find a suitable way to comfort someone when they're crying their eyes out. Should I give them a hug? Or do what I was taught to do since I was a kid, and leave them to their own devices? Well, hopefully there will only be good news after these few weeks.


On a brighter note, I'm going to head to Norway for a couple of days. How delightful it is to realize that I don't need a Schegen (is this how I spell it?) visa to travel around Europe...I suppose that is when my passport really comes in handy. But before the summer travels begin, must write my dissertation, and enjoy a few more days of sunshine and snoozing in the grass....

...and then there is the more difficult task of avoiding people I don't want to see in town. Of course, not that there is anyone I absolutely hate, but there is this one girl where each time I come close to thinking she is a decent human being, would just go out and try to prove me wrong. She would do things like i)being an hour late or not showing up for meetings ii)act slightly antagonistically when others contradict her points iii)sometimes lie about the most random things. It is partially my fault that she thinks we're absolutely 'best friends', since I wasn't persistent enough (like the other people who she knows) in trying to create some social distance....maybe the best solution is just to avoid her in general.


PS: thanks to Ancode for the post-exam well-wishes!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Post Exam Days

I am finally back after a week of intensive exams (each three hours long, and it doesn't help that we have to wear these kooky gowns that makes tourists gravitate towards you for photos). Spent the previous term writing essays, revising, cramming, despairing, and sorting other stuff out. Not I'm spent, and life seems so directionless without the stress, the reading, and the writing.

Oh wait, I do have to write a dissertation by September, and I need to get moving with that. But right now I'm just elated....this feeling will probably dissipate the moment I receive the exam results. In two weeks time.

Friday, April 10, 2009

April Blues

Blithe in uniform; rough draft. I like this sort of uniform (and had one like it back in grade school), and I'm still not set on the colour scheme. I do like her stockings though....

Kidd at the seaside....I drew this soon after I returned from my seaside weekend wander. It was most delightful, and I guess I had so much fun because I had no expectations from it whatsoever. The beautiful weather helped a lot as well. Not really sure why I gave him longer hair, but it matches him...

Young Kidd wanting a lift. Drawn soon after the series ended; I'm terrible at drawing children.

Illustration of the moment: Kidd in a strange outfit I drew this evening. Those circles remind me on Eibon/Noah's technique


Must get back to reading and work. Am feeling super unproductive this vacation; the fact that my other classmates are all working doesn't help at all. I feel terrible about not working, but then I don't feel like working because I'm feeling so terrible...cycle of death.

I'm also resting; after donating blood this week, I was foolish enough to immediately ride a bike and almost ended up losing my mind in the middle of the street. Moment of spasticity indeed. Luckily I managed to get to a bench, sit and sweat it out for 10 minutes or so, and then walk back home. Thought about asking for help from the people around me, but I didn't have enough energy to do so/ didn't want to bother anyone and admit to my stupidity. But it was alright; no one seems to have noticed my condition (half dead, flopped over my bike, sweating in freezing conditions) so I was left to my privacy. Or should I be worried that no one offered help...?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Scribble VI

Rough sketch of character designs for the IDS (Inter Dimensional Shells). The girl on the left is called IDDS/Idds (Inter Dimensional Defense Shield) and the boy on the right is known as IDOS/Idos (Inter Dimensional Offense Sword). I still haven't figured out the exact form of the shield and sword, so I'm just placing some random shapes here first. Everyone mostly calls them by their acronyms.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scribble V

Again with the hats! I quite like the design of this one, I might actually use it for Ue in the future. It was sort of supposed to be a marching-band-type hat, but decided halfway through that it looks better if it resembled a cap instead.

Oh, almost time to turn off the lights in preparation of Earth Hour....8:30pm, everyone!

Friday, March 27, 2009

To Paris and back!

Photos from Paris: Pont Alexandre III, Louvre, and the Petit Palais. I have more photos, but I rather put those on facebook. Let me just say that the trip was stressful, but overall it was nice seeing new sights and going to a foreign country during the vacation....though the local Parisians could have been a tad nicer, especially in the language department. The metro was fun to use (and so much more comfortable than being jam packed onto a tour bus), but the rush hours are a nightmare to sit through. Especially when you're in a hurry...more on that later.
Just got back from Paris, and felt like drawing something strangely...strange. Here is Aein wearing a headpiece that is a mixture of bamboo-structuring, clovers, beads, and etc elements. I suppose I was thinking of drawing a french hat, but then the asian imagery just entered my mind.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Scribbles IV

Death the Kidd with mask and hairpiece...wanted to draw something like this for a while, but never mustered up the energy. It takes longer to draw this than if I were to draw and colour an image (such as the one below).

Aein, rolling (apparently faceless) dice.


So I went to London on earlier this week, and despite seeing people from my old school and catching up on their current affairs, I regretted going so far from home. My shoulder is aching, and I can feel the early flu symptoms (it was bloody cold, the wind was strong). Not to mention I got carded at Sainsburys from buying alcohol for the people I was seeing. It really was one of those days where I wanted to spend it alone.

A pet peeve; just because my parents can pay my tuition does not mean they're rich. It doesn't mean I am rich (need I mention my part-time jobs and scholarships throughout my undergrad years?). It just means my parents saved up over the years to pay, by cutting back on a lot of things in the family. We didn't get the newest technological gadgets; we didn't have annual vacations to far away destinations. Affording the tuition doesn't mean I'm some spoiled child who doesn't know anything about the world. Oh course, one should take comments like that from ignorant and small-minded people in moderation, and just deal with it...

...damn I'm pissed. Hate it when people presume they know the sort of things we go through.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scribbles III

Hoale Te Reunion; the cloud-shepard and self-cutter. Actually know a few cutters in the past, and when they're incredibly intelligent and rational (the cutting makes sense in their perspective.)

Happy St. Paddies, everyone! Slept at 2am yesterday, and now I need more naps.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009


A quick doodle whilst I'm waiting for my salmon steak to cook in the kitchen :D yum. I'm not very good with backgrounds, though I must admit my backgrounds aren't normally as crappy as the one here in the image. Today is another beautiful Sunday full of sunshine and blue skies, but decided to spend most of the time indoors (asides from a brief moment where I went out to buy groceries.)

Now I have to think of my summer dissertation topic, and begin reviewing my old notes from the first two terms; exam prep should start soon. At first the intent was to revise today, but then my supervisor is right about taking some time off, feel refreshed, and then tackle the task. Which is why I'm also writing on this blog again.

Alrightio, just got back from the kitchen with my delicious salmon steak with carrots, potatoes, and rice. (No, it is not a weird combination.) Took me four tries to cook the fish to decency (not aiming for perfection here, just edibility); for the longest time I could figure out why the oil was turning brown before the fish was cooked, and why the fish was getting burned and yet the inside was still pink. As first I figured it must have something to do with my timing (when I pour in the oil, when I drop the fish); of if I distributed the oil evenly in the pan; or whether the water content in the fish was throwing me off; of if the nature of the fish meat itself was problematic (it had expired a couple of days ago). It was a puzzle that drove me a little insane for a week. Then my mum tells me that maybe, just maybe, I left the heat on a setting that was too high....such a simple solution.

Just going to dump a few random thoughts I had throughout the term:

-had a conversation with some friends the other afternoon, and one of them were so adamant about her preference for 'classical music' because it was so 'cultured'. Made some of us around her feel like barbarians just from mentioning 'rock music' around her. She's a nice girl really, but with a competitive streak that seems to be applied to everyday settings (think: competitive in terms of colleges, school work, life achievements, personal hobbies, etc). As for myself, I do like classical music; but I wouldn't actively go out their concerts, or buy their CDs. The music sounds nice, but I just don't understand it. More of an alternative rock/pop person here. Not going to force myself to like something just to make myself seen 'smarter'.

-I wish I were a more interesting person. I don't need a more interesting life (because I've had a fairly eventful one so far....lived through the lives of others) but if only I were good at conversations or knew what awesome things to say. Such a people

-still don't understand the phenomenon known as 'children'. They lack appeal. How discombobulating.

It is going to take some time before I remember everything I want to say, so the rest will be posted next time. Off to get cleaned up, and then for an evening inside a theatre (the rare occasion I actually venture outdoors at night.)

Still watching Soul Eater; the anime is surprising so far (walking cities...), but it keeps the plot interesting and unpredictable. The manga this month is also lovely but it was very much a build-up chapter; plot was moving, but to nowhere in particular. Grr. The art style makes up for it though. A little disspointed that Excalibur is on the cover of volume 14, since it would have been fitting for Kid to be on it instead....

Shikabane Hime: Aka was a good watch up until the antagonist were properly introduced; then started taking issue with the character designs, and plot holes, and the "what, why the heck did that just happen" moments. Stopped watching Gundam 00 since they started introducing new characters to be killed, and the story in Regios is moving so slowly... same goes for Jigoku Shoujo (it took around 20 episodes before the heroine realizes something was up with herself....even though we knew that was the case from the credits since episode 1.)

I complain too much.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


So I'm finally free from this term! Essays, readings, and other assignments can be put on hiatus for...a day before I need to star revision. I haven't updated the blog in a while, but hopefully the tweets should give people an idea how spastic the weeks have been. I even had a presentation this past Wednesday, and totally bombed (1700 words were coughed out in 5 minutes.)

I've also went through a severe rut during 5th week-- I sort of lost all idea how to have conversations with people. Started to lose all motivation for socializing and meeting people....and reverted to becoming the socially awkward oddball. Alas.

Just went to have lunch with friends, and one of them got their wallets stolen....I don't really know what to say about that. On one hand, it's not surprising; but then again, should it happen in such a small town?

Sunday, February 8, 2009


A rough sketch of Blithe with a scar (normally covered by her fringe). The shape and design of the scar might change later, but for now it should reach from the right side of the forehead towards the right ear. She normally keeps it hidden to avoid having questions asked about it (can't remember how she got it, but if asked she'll say it came from a fistfight with a local gang.....despite there being no gangs in her hometown), but otherwise she wouldn't hide it during off-school hours.

Random sketch of an unnamed character; the purple shading are the body markings. I wanted to create and draw a male mythical figure at first, he ended up looking fairly androgynous. Ah, but then they say transgressing gender boundaries is the ultimate form of maybe this works best.

An image I drew for Lunar New Year, except I forgot to post it (or finish and colour it, for a matter of fact). A tad late to do anything about it now. Got a red pocket from the club I joined, except inside was one chocolate coin. Would have preferred some usable currency here...I'm a tad short on money.

Oh wait, my friends still owe me money from the Italy trip. A little miffed that it's taken over a month to get it sorted, though it's understandable since everyone is super busy nowadays. Or maybe I'm more miffed that no one brought the topic up again until someone else was nice enough to give a little reminder to all....

Am feeling a little better today. Managed to get some work done, though I'll still have to go back to the library tomorrow to continue with my reading. The endless reading. Hopefully the weather would have settled a bit by then and the road condition wouldn't be too slippery....otherwise we'll have a repeat of Thursday (toppling over onto my side when biking on snow).


In random news, I'm glad DGM is making a return soon to Jump, but sad to see Meister go so soon. I normally don't like shounen sport series (especially of the football variety), but this one seems to be promising, and the cast is pretty good. Alas, maybe next time the author will have better luck with the rankings. Other series I've recently adopted again would be Gintama. The series never fails to make people laugh...goes to show that super-art skills (not that the one in Gintama is bad) isn't always needed for something enjoyable.

As for that Xam'd is over (I must confess that the ending wasn't anything like Eureka Seven, but given the 26 episode span it would be impossible to wrap up everything in the storyline so neatly. Still, I enjoyed the last episode), I'm probably going to try watching Shikabane Hime, or maybe Chromed Shelled Regios (the light novels were pretty good). Soul Eater is still the weekly highlight will that end? Only another few episodes to go!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Frills and Smiles

So I went for a snow fight on Thursday, feeling like a gleeful rebel when I put my tutorial essay off until a few hours before deadline. Except, it meant going into my tutorial the following day feeling super embarrassed after I realized my essay was littered with typos. ARGH; I don't normally make typos, and knowing that I shameful. But I have a record of making crappy essays during week 3-4, so who knows what I'll churn out this upcoming week.

Proposal still not done, but making progress.

At least the new chapter for Soul Eater will be coming out soon, so there will be something to distract me from working again. But here is a picture of Kidd in...something I don't know. I just thought of it all the sudden and decided to draw tonight (despite the readings that need to

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Snow in Oxford!

I have no idea what those people in the distance are doing, but they seem to be rolling a huge snowball. Hopefully for snowman-construction purposes only. So I spent the entire morning playing in the snow when I should have been writing my essay.... Ended up spending the rest of the afternoon inside my room rushing to finish my work; but to be honest, I don't regret it at all (until I get my essay back tomorrow). But the snow was melting and gross by the afternoon, so it was a good thing we ran outside earlier in the day.

Well, maybe I regret getting my jeans soaked and almost risking frostbite to my posterior, but how often do we get snow here? (Asides from March and April....). On the other hand, snow means I can't bike anywhere....

Eurgh, still stressed. Apparently we have presentations for class now....came out of nowhere.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Illust and Scribbles

Kidd with long hair....I think it'll suit him! Anyways, just another skin-toning exercise using Open Canvas. Can't wait until the new chapter comes out in Feburary....

'Niu' year...terrible pun, but won't damper the New Year festivities (which were virtually missing from where I am right now). Of course, just for superstition's sake I went out and bought some clementines (pronounced 'gum' in Chinese, which is the same sound for 'gold'...hence associated with wealth). I asked my family for my New Year predictions, and basically they said anything could happen. Which is what happens every single year anyways, so what they said wasn't very helpful at all.

But you can't go wrong if you work hard and head towards your goal! Ahh, I wish I had some good old Turnip cake right now....


Blithe Bauhinia, random study.

A study of (longhair!) Kid, part of another image I am drawing of him right now.

Maka and Soul (the first time I drew him! Took forever). Sorry if the quality of the last two scribbles were a tad fuzzy, but I drew them in super-light colours on Open Canvas and getting them into JPG format (and adjusting the contrast) meant degrading the quality quite a bit.

Another unproductive weekend. Spent 4 hours staring at two chapters, and I'm not even sure if I absorbed everything I read in those. I suppose my day didn't start off great; I did all the grogecy shopping I needed to do, but then I ran into a bunch of Asian student tourists at the Chinese Supermarket. I don't mind tourists under most circumstances, but when you're in a queue carrying a bag of rice (yes, an entire bag, a very heavy bag), you don't really have the patience to appreciate 6 Asian girls cutting in front of you just because one of their friends had a spot in front of you. There were no apologies, nothing (not even a smile-- those girls stared at me like I was a monster or something). After they were all outside the store, I finally paid for the rice and left to get my bike (back at the city centre graveyard), when the entire bloody road in front of me was blocked by the same group of tourists. Taking. Photos. Gr.

I actually had to walk around the entire tourist group by stepping onto the traffic road, and hoped I wouldn't get run over by angry drivers. I was a fool to go to the Chinese supermarket on Saturday....

Eurgh, I've been making a fool out of myself during tutorials nowadays. Because I no longer have a tutorial partner, it means I have to actually talk to the supervisor now; not that there is any problem with that (since the man is very nice), but I could never articulate my answers properly. I write an essay, but then I forget what I wrote a day after I hand it in.....that is appalling. My supervisor would say that I made a good point in the essay, and I'll be sitting there saying "what did I write again? Did I write that?"

And as for the research proposal, I'm having to revise it right now (causing me endless woes, believe me). But then I'm very confused with the process; not with the bureaucratic aspect of the application itself, but what my (potential) supervisor meant the last time we met. Was it a 'yes' or 'no' with the supervising business? I feel like there is some miscommunication going on....not a great start. I'm very worried...

...which resulted in me losing sleep a couple of nights this week. And since I wake up at 7am daily, it means by 4pm I'm a sinking ship. Felt terrible about showing up to the pub-meet looking like I got ran over by a bus, and not being energetic enough to sustain a conversation with anybody. Why is it so easy for me to create awkward situations in social gatherings? It's like I have a knack for it....of all the 'skills' in the world to have....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Scribbles III

Aein (younger) and Ue together, looking happier than they normally would. They're father and son, but not by blood (Ue adopted Aein at a young age). Ue may not look like it, but he is actually much older than Aein...

I was wondering; what happens to blogs and facebook pages when their respective owners die? I mean, we are the first blogging generation, and most of us are young-- but what will happen a couple of decades later when we're dropping like flies? The young people then would continue creating blogs, but would the older ones get archived, or would the owners of the blogging sites delete them?

Just a thought for today.

24 hour Review (image heavy!)

Waking up in the morning to see the frost-covered ground...apparently it has never gotten this bad during this time of the year before. The Big Chill really is here!

Tragically, my birthday present for myself is a pair of shoes to wear for the exams in June....yes, I bought myself a pair of exam shoes for my birthday. Because I'm the epitome of positive thinking during all festive occasions. Do excuse the crazy socks, I would have taken them off for the photo except my feet were bloody cold.

The canal was frozen; we could even see the rubbish at the bottom of the river bed. You wouldn't have guessed that people threw their bicycles in there...and there is no way to lift that out of the water since it was encased in solid ice.

The Meadows, with a thin layer of frost. It made the entire landscape that much more difficult to walk was like wearing hiking boots and being made to walk of concrete. For over 40 minutes.

The pub we went to from the walking trail; took 40 minutes to get here and another 40 to get back, but it was worth it. I can't imagine another pub where the environment was so tranquil and the scenery so nice. Probably would have been better in sunnier weather, but drinking hot chocolate under gray skies made the entire day an walk seem worthwhile.

All in all, my birthday was great. Though I'm still not happy about growing up and getting older.

Edel and Blithe

Kidd, in a drawing I did during the Summer 2008. It's half-inked, but I don't know if I really want to finish it off. Probably will, since I started it already, but I'll make some minor adjustments for the parts in pencil. This is one of the rare moments I still use traditional media to draw with; it's open canvas all the way now!

Was listening to the song as I was drawing, hence a semi-crazed-looking Kidd (with long hair!). The song was 'My Delirium', and it's damn catchy.

This is the image I most likely will ink on Open Canvas and colour. Started off as a simple doodle of Aein, but then I decided it might look nice if I added some extra stuff here and there..the reason behind the phrase on the bottom will be explained later.