It has been a long time. A long time since I updated this blog.
Anyways, Harry Potter:OotP movie came out this week, but yet I can't find anyone to watch it with. Going to the theatre alone is starting to look like the only option left for me. But that is probably better than watching it with a friend; my friends tend to start chatting mid-way through movies to ask pointless questions about a certain plot twist or whatnot.
At least I'm certain I can read the last Potter book next week. Sorry to say, I will not be there on the stroke of midnight to grab my copy; rather, like all sleep-loving college students I will emerge on Saturday morning and then proceed to Borders. That means I can't go online for the entire Saturday, because some asshat who stayed up all night rushing through the book is sure to have posted spoilers online...in facebook.....livejournal....devinantart.
Onto another topic: I'm getting close to my 2 weeks worth of holidays now. I just need to get everything from my internship done before I relax. Note to self: during the break, learn how to drive, get a license and.....then not drive. Ah, ambitious. And then I should also learn to ride a proper two-wheeler bike....and go shopping for new sandals (two weeks ago I bent my foot 90 degrees inwards and my sandals strap couldn't take the tension and decided to give out).
A rough picture I drew months ago, featuring some of my original characters. The designs have changed since then, but interesting to see what sort of stuff I drew from awhile back.
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