Blithe (those hats were all the trend during the last winter)
Random drawing, rough sketch
Random drawing, newer version has colour
A DGM image I was going to submit, but time constraints and a whole bunch of other factors got in the way. Will ink this later.
Two whole months without posting anything on the blog; all thanks to the dissertation and the upcoming exams. Plenty to do, so probably won't be frequenting here until mid-June. Alas...
Drawn this evening using Open Canvas; just needed to practice more, since I haven't done this in weeks.
An old drawing I did last term (sometime in November?), testing out one of the poses I drew during life-drawing class. Just wanted to see if I could translate the human figure in the real world into a more abstract style for these characters.
Small version of Kidd, also posted on the Livejournal community. Now that term is over (it was actually over a week ago, but I had a tutorial during the first week of vacation) I can finally afford some time to breathe and relax again. Not to mention draw to my heart's content!
But who knows how long this bout of freedom will last for; I have another deadline next week, alongside a whole bunch of thesis revisions to make before this academic year is over. Ooh, and exam readings and preparations.
Group shot (Erebos, Aein, Blithe, Hoale and Edel): drawn 2008
Group shot: drawn 2008 --------------------------------------------------- Guess what I found this year when I was home last month? Old sketches, so old and so amateur that my toes started to curl upon first sighting! But I need to document them somewhere, since the originals are disintegrating rapidly (curses, humidity!) Plus, always nice to have a laugh when I refer to these again in the future.
Back in the U.K. (after an eventful month back home; including my birthday, Home Office visa worries, intestinal infections), and the new school term has started. Much readings to do, essays to write. And since my last post, I've decided to move back into college; couldn't stand my anti-social flatmate anymore. Not only did she have this strange deluded opinion that I was making a mess in the kitchen (a miracle, considering I don't cook at all), she also invites strange guests into the flat without prior warning. And when she goes on vacation, she turns off the main fuse without thinking that I would still be living there in her absence.The moment she started hanging her Christmas decorations all over the flat and on my room door, it was time to go bye-bye.
College-living is nice, especially since my friends are around. It does have a bit of a downside; recently went to a folk dance (college event), paired up with one college-mate for two songs, and the next day he messages about wanting to know where in college I live (didn't ask to meet in a cafe or somewhere public, but my room. No thanks, I like my privacy.) I don't even tell my parents where in college I live, much less a stranger who I just met. (I'm sure he is a nice person, and that I am being oversensitive; but I do have a huge personal 'buffer zone'.) Think I'll just wear a hoodie for the next few...weeks. Or months. That is the last time I go to any social events.
Goodness. I've caught the sniffles. Better go remedy that. Will post holiday photos later.
An international child orientated towards indoor activities such as drawing, reading, and surfing the web for news.
Please note that everything I write is a reflection of my person opinion, and in no way do I intend to offend anyone. Similar disclaimer for the illustrations; 'Furies' characters belong to me, but everything else is fanart.