Can't believe how quickly time flies; Autumn has officially begun (that was a crappy Summer...what happened to the promised sunshine?) and the skies are gray and dreary. Primary and Secondary students are back in school already, but the rest of us in college is just enjoying life. Not like we had much time to enjoy the Summer; too busy writing dissertations and other essays to have fun (though to be fair, we did have one or two golden moments). The results come out tomorrow....eurgh.
Friends have been leaving town (the programme was only a year long, and many or going back to their home countries to work), but I am excited about the upcoming freshers week; potential to corrupt new minds. But the downside is that, for the friends that are staying for another year, they need my help with moving houses. Normally I wouldn't mind (if it were for one or two people), but it has gotten to the point where I am just sick of it.
At first, my grumpiness stemmed from the fact that I managed to move all my stuff to my new room by myself. But my opinion changed after seeing how much crap these friends accummulate within the year; at that point I knew they definitiely needed outside-help. I had one suitcase of clothes, a medium box of books and miscellany, one small wheely suitcase, and several small boxes (water kettle, shoes, bike helmet, other gifts I acquired this year). But for these friends, we're talking multiple suitcases (big and small), dozens of boxes, and large bags of other stuff. Cripes, its one thing to live comfortably in college through having personal belongings, it is another to literallybring your entire room overseas.
Oh, speaking of moving rooms, I recently moved into a private housing (since my college situation is a little iffy right now). Not a bad place (and the rent is cheaper), but my flatmate seems to prefer...living alone. As in 'avoid social contact' with me. Which works fine with me, seeing how I'm not a fan of awkward small-talk in the corridors anyways. Eh, maybe things will improve later this year.