I know it has been a while since I last posted, but things have been very busy. Work, term travels, etc etc. I just got back from Italy (photo above of Venice...a long story) a week ago, and I am pleased to be back inside my apartment room. Our travel group was literally bombarded with water from rain and....the acqua alta (high water), the annual foe of Venice. A good thing I brought rainboots (because we really had to use them in the duration of our stay), but unfortunately the others in the group didn't bring any sort of water preparation. So eventually most of us got sick, and I even had to bail out for a portion of Rome (top photo) because of the flu....
...and lets just say I almost got a stomach ulcer from the trip. It was fun, but navigating around (especially in Venice!) drove me crazy. And after hearing those flood alarms in Venice, I doubt my mind will be calm for a while...I think that was the first time I've been exposed to a siren (excluding fire alarm drills and earthquake drills). And it was especially not fun to have a map in hand when all I wanted to do is use both hands and grab my throbbing head to stop it from exploding. My fever was terrible, I finished off half the box of medication in one night. There was probably some limit as to how many pills I can take in 24 hours, but I decided to see if more medicine= speedy recovery (I must put a disclaimer here and say that no one should be as stupid as I...always follow the instructions! I just got lucky this time).
Alot of things during the trip annoed me, and I felt it was inappropriate to voice them out during travelling (plus, it wasn't as though my companions didn't have tensions between them, so if I said anything it would have made things worst). Now that I've been in the presence of others for 7 days straight, I've decided to spend Christmas and Boxing Day alone. All alone in my room, just enjoying the silence.
Just spent Christmas Even eating curry and going online. And doing alot of reading.
Death the Kidd in a simplified version of a Venetian dress (what is with me putting him in dresses all the time?)...I really haven't drawn anything in ages! I recently read the latest chpater of Soul Eater, and I can't believe Kidd got swallowed up like that-- now we have to wait until January to find out what happens. The anime is also progressing along nicely, and the plot is starting to deviate from the manga story-line...so now I'm just curious to see how they end everything. Only about another 20 episodes to go!
Still catching up on Xam'd (animation quality still going strong!) and some Gundam 00 (this season seems less interesting than the previous one, but that is just a personal thought). I've pretty much given up on Jigoku Shoujo (given up since season 1)...